The practice of the Examen holds great value in a disciple’s life, especially in today's non-stop world. We rarely have time to reflect or think about how God has worked in our day to day, instead getting caught up with work, school, and all our responsibilities. The Examen is one of the four practices in HCC’s Rule of Life. It’s an ancient way of re-centering our lives around Christ. 

Usually the Examen is done at night before you go to bed so you can reflect on the day you just had but you can do it at any time of the day. It takes 5 to 10 minutes, and it’s easy to work it into your nightly routine, whether it’s right before you sleep or during your skincare routine.

I’ve only been doing the Examen for about a month now and I have received nothing but goodness from it. We don't often have time to think about our mistakes, following our culture’s inclination to move on and forget about it. If we don’t reflect on where we’ve fallen short, we can hold ourselves back from deep relationship with God.  

If you’ve never prayed the Examen before, here’s a simple 5 step formula you can follow to get started:

1. Prepare

Find a quiet, calm place (most likely in bed) and remind yourself of God’s presence. Make the sign of the cross and acknowledge the point of this time of prayer.

2. Give Thanks

Start off by thanking God for the day and the things you are grateful for. One of my friends said “God uses the Examen to bring up areas of my life that need healing and to raise me to greatness.” I couldn't agree more. Beginning the Examen with thanksgiving helps us to see God in our everyday, becoming more aware of the good we have been given. 

There are so many things to thank God for in my day to day, things that I often forget to notice. Some days, it can be difficult to find things to be grateful for. When that happens, I just thank Him for the day and for giving me all that He has, as simple as that.

3. Review

Ask to see your day through God’s eyes, playing it in your mind like a movie. Be aware of things that stand out, moments where you felt close to God or far away or events that triggered strong emotions. Even if your day was just mundane, there’s always something to reflect on. We often miss God in our usual routines but if we look closer, we may find Him speaking or at work.

A part of this practice is to just talk to God and ask Him questions. Why did this happen today? Where do You want me to go with this? Maybe he’ll show you something that you wouldn’t have seen in the moment. 

It’s also good to take note of where you have fallen short and to ask for forgiveness. When you examine how you have fallen throughout the day, you’re forced to acknowledge your brokenness. That may sound daunting, but God transforms it into something beautiful. He walks alongside you, helping you realize your mistakes and extending His forgiveness. He gives us freedom from our guilt and shame

When I first started to pray the Examen I was scared. I was anxious about having to face my sins and relive my mistakes. In spite of that, my desire to grow closer to God was bigger than my fear. I prayed the Examen almost everyday before I went to sleep (I 100% missed a day or three, I’m not perfect.) Through it I’ve realized that facing my sins only made me want to become better and helped me to perceive God’s unconditional love.

4. Look to Tomorrow

One of the last parts in the Examen is to look forward to tomorrow. This step is less about focussing on your upcoming tasks and more about preparing yourself to walk with God tomorrow. Ask him for the strength to get through the day.

Ask yourself what you’re nervous about and give those emotions to God. Give Him your expectations as well. I usually expect my day to go one way and then get disappointed and frustrated when it doesn’t. Giving my day to God in advance lessens the anxiety of “tomorrow.” You can also ask Him how you can grow tomorrow.

5. Close

You can finish the Examen by spending a few minutes in God's presence and then maybe praying an Our Father or Glory Be.

The Examen has a different impact on everyone. We all do it differently because we are all different people. Though the Examen has a structure, at its core it’s just a time of personal prayer with The Heavenly Father. There’s no need to worry about praying it “perfectly.”  Over time you will figure out what works for you and what flows naturally. 

It’s crazy how present God is and how often we are blind to His presence. The Examen is the time to truly see how He is working hard in our lives. After a few nights, I started to become more aware of His presence. During prayer and throughout the day in general, I started to feel more at peace knowing He was there with me. 

This Practice is so good. It helps us to realize how God is working in us and through us, to become aware of our sins and be forgiven. No matter how bad or how boring my day has been, going through my day with Jesus gives me hope. Instead of living an unreflected life, this practice has helped me slow my whole life down and live day by day in the moment.